How Much Evidence is Needed to Charge Someone in Canada?

How Much Evidence is Needed to Charge Someone in Canada

Charging someone with evidence is important in the Canadian justice system. Crime can happen at any time or against you with a conspiracy. So, how much evidence is needed to charge someone in such conditions? The answer is not as simple as just numbers. Let’s uncover the mystery in this blog!

Why Do You Need to Charge Someone in Canada?

Charges are the official first act of the Canadian criminal justice system. They set the stage for the incident to unfold and initiate a formal investigation in trials. In short, the charge is all about respecting the fundamental rights of every citizen.

A person must charge someone for two reasons:

  1. presumption of innocence and
  2. fairness and due process.

Presumption of Innocence: Everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty in court. Charges shift from mere suspicion to a strong allegation that demands a thorough investigation.

Fairness and Due Process: Charges trigger procedural safeguards for the accused, guaranteeing their right to legal counsel, disclosure of evidence, and a fair trial.

How Much Evidence Is Needed to Charge Someone in Canada?

There are no number counts for showing evidence. Yet, more evidence strengthens the charges. The police and the Crown prosecutor need strong evidence to convince a reasonable person that the accused committed a crime. In cases of false accusation, solid evidence becomes even more critical to refute wrongful claims.

Three types of evidence tip the scales. You will win the case after showing any evidence that can be verified. So, you need to add enough weight on the scales of suspicion using those.

Physical Evidence

Physical evidence refers to any tangible object that can be used to prove or disprove a fact in a legal case. DNA, fingerprints, CCTV footage, weapons—these hold substantial weight of tangible evidence.

Types of Physical Evidence

  • Trace Evidence: The trace includes tiny objects transferred from one person to another during contact—for example: hair, fibers, paint chips, and fingerprints.
  • Biological Evidence: Biological evidence comes from living organisms and can include DNA, blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids.
  • Digital Evidence: Digital evidence is electronic data stored on computers, mobile phones, and other digital devices—for example: emails, text messages, social media posts, and recordings.
  • Documents: Documents include contracts, receipts, letters, notes, and any other written materials that are relevant to the case.
  • Objects: Objects include any material connected to the crime, such as weapons, clothing, furniture, or vehicles.

Witness Testimony

Witness testimony refers to the oral or written statements made by individuals with knowledge of the incident. The court can use this information to reconstruct what happened and potentially identify the individuals involved.

Types of Witness Testimony

  • Eyewitness Testimony: Eyewitness Testimony refers to answers provided by individuals who directly observed the incident on the spot.
  • Expert Witness Testimony: Expert Witness Testimony is a statement made by experts related to the incident. An expert can provide their professional opinion based on the evidence presented.
  • Character Witness Testimony: Character Witness Testimony is answers provided by persons who can speak to the reputation of someone involved in the case.

Documentary Evidence

Documentary evidence refers to anything from written documents like contracts and receipts to digital records like emails, social media posts, and audio or video recordings.

  • Written Documents: This includes contracts, letters, receipts, notes, diaries, logs, and any other written materials that are relevant to the case.
  • Digital Records: Digital records are electronic data stored on computers, mobile phones, and other digital devices, including emails, text messages, social media posts, recordings, spreadsheets, and more.
  • Audio and Video Recordings: Recordings are conversations, events, or scenes that may be relevant to the case.
  • Photographs and Maps: Photos and maps can visually depict scenes, locations, or objects related to the case.
  • Business Records: Business records are invoices, financial statements, inventory lists, and other documents that document business activities.

Can Someone Press Charges Without Proof?

No. Individuals cannot “press charges” in the true sense. Filing a complaint with the police might trigger an investigation process. So, individuals can initiate the process by filing a complaint with the police.

This complaint can trigger an investigation, and the police may gather evidence and interview witnesses.  Ultimately, the gathered information is presented to the Crown prosecutor to decide whether there’s enough evidence to charge.

Read Also How Do You Know If Someone Pressed Charges on You?

Can Police Charge You Without Evidence?

Technically, yes. The police can charge you without evidence. But it must be because they can arrest you based on reasonable suspicion. But they cannot formally lay charges without convincing the Crown prosecutor. There must be enough evidence to proceed throughout the trial.

How Do You Collect Evidence if Someone Charges You?

If you face charges, immediately focus on seeking legal counsel. An experienced criminal lawyer can advise you on your rights, guide you through the legal process, and assist in gathering evidence to defend your case.

Remember, you can remain silent before informing the police without your lawyer present. So do not speak up and follow this series of tasks.

  1. Prioritize seeking legal counsel.
  2. Don’t speak to the police without your lawyer present.
  3. Gather existing documentation.
  4. Start by gathering any existing documents that might support your defense.
  5. Identify and contact potential witnesses.
  6. Maintain records of your activities.
  7. Be cautious about social media.
  8. Be honest with your lawyer.


So, that was all about how much evidence is needed to charge someone. When you understand the basic principles of charge and evidence in Canada, you can imply greater clarity in your case. Remember, you must clarify the scale of suspicion completely with your types of evidence.


What kind of evidence do I need for a charge in Canada?

There are three types of evidence the court will ask from you. They are physical evidence, documentary evidence, and witness testimony. You must have strong evidence from the components of each type of evidence to press a strong charge.

What is the difference between Proof and Evidence?

Although referred to mean the same thing, there is a huge difference between proof and evidence. Proof is an authentic element that can finalize a decision on a charge. But the evidence is like a clue to reach the final stage of the allegation. Lawyers determine proof or evidence based on their conclusiveness.

What is the strongest evidence to press a charge?

The strongest evidence is direct evidence. This direct evidence can be physical evidence or witness testimony. These types of evidence can provide a direct confession of the incident that occurred. The court prioritizes the witness’s testimony more than anything else because it cannot be altered easily.